Sunday, June 10, 2012

Weekly Book Haul #5

Arise - Tara Hudson (Review)
Before I Fall - Lauren Oliver
Sisters Red - Jackson Pearce

Dreamless - Josephine Angelini (Review)
Thank You, Kathy @ A Glass of Wine!

Hey guys!
I managed to get some really awesome books this week!
I'm so glad to have finished copies of Arise and Dreamless, as I loved them both.
(Thank you so much, Kathy, for Dreamless. You are full of awesomeness!)
And I picked up Before I Fall and Sisters Red from the bookstore earlier this week.
I love Lauren Oliver, and can't wait to read Before I Fall.

What new books did you get this week???

**This post was inspired by In My Mailbox by TheStorySiren, in order to share books received each week.**


  1. I just love how shiny Dreamless looks. :) I really must bump up Starcrossed on my TBR list. It just keeps looking sadly at me from my shelf. *looks at shelf* STOP IT!

    Alright, enough of the sillies. I'm so happy you got some great books, Christy. :) Here's hoping you enjoy all of them. Happy reading!


  2. Lots of amazing books. I can't wait to read Arise! I am also curious about Before I Fall. I enjoy Lauren Oliver so I am expecting it to be awesome.

    Awww. Thank you! You are awesome as well. I am glad you got your copy and that you enjoyed the gift! Dreamless is pretty awesome.

  3. Yay! It looks like we both got Dreamless this week. :-) Have you read Sisters Red yet? Love that book! Have fun reading the ones that are completely new to you!

  4. Ah! Still have Dreamless on my shelf, waiting! Can't wait to read the other three as well. Have to make time for them :) Enjoy!

    All Hail The Mail!

  5. I can't wait to read Arise! I did enjoy the characters in the first book so I can't wait to read where the story goes.
    Sadly, I've owned Sisters Red for a while but have yet to read it.

    I hope you enjoy all of these great stories!
    Happy reading

  6. Wow, the covers for Arise and Dreamless are just GORGEOUS. Wow. Seriously. I loved Before I Fall! Happy reading. =)

  7. You got some amazing books! I still have not finished my ARC of Arise, but it was pretty good so far. Enjoy these great books!

    My Stacking the Shelves

  8. Ahh, I STILL need to get Sisters Red! :) I hope you enjoy your books! Arise and Before I Fall were awesome.

  9. Dreamless is so, so shiny! I loved Before I Fall – so sad and happy and wonderful. Hope you like it!

  10. The cover of Dreamless is fabulous! Great haul! Can't wait to see what you thought of all those fantastic books!

  11. Lovely haul, Christy! I love the cover of Arise! Enjoy all your reads! :)

  12. Awesome books, my dear! I really need to get copies of DREAMLESS and ARISE (still need to read my eARC of the latter) and should get around to read my copy of BEFORE I FALL. Hope you'll have a lovely week! :)

  13. sisters red has been on my to read list for so long!!

    my post is here:
    Sunday Shout Out

  14. I can't wait to see what you think of Before I Fall. It's so incredible! Enjoy all your new books.

  15. Great books this week! I'm going to start Starcrossed soon! I keep seeing great things about that and Dreamless so I'm looking forward to reading them :)

    Enjoy all your books!

    Here's my IMM

  16. Ooh nice!! Loved Arise and Dreamless!! Hope you enjoy your reads!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  17. The cover for Dreamless and Arise are beautiful! I just read Hereafter this week, so I can't wait to dive into the second one. I hope that you enjoy your new books!

    Ladybug Storytime

  18. I didn't think Dreamless's cover would be so shiny-pretty! Love how the light glistens on it. And Arise looks fab (I still need to read the first one in that series.

  19. Great books this week! Dreamless is amazing, and I LOVE Before I Fall. Lauren Oliver is an amazing author. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it.

    My books for the week

  20. Those look really awesome! I can't wait to read Arise and Dreamless! Enjoy your books!

    Here are my Books & Love Letters:
    Nickey @ The Book Shop Assistant

  21. Look how shiny that cover of Dreamless is! I loved Starcrossed so I can't wait to read the sequel soon. Happy reading! :)
    You can check out what books I got here!

  22. Sisters red sounds really nice, I hope you'll enjoy them all! Happy reading!

    here is mine

  23. I'm lovig your Dreamless cover! And Arise's cover is just beautiful. :) Enjoy your books!

    My STS

  24. I haven't read ANY of the books you got nor the prequels :'( but I want Hereafter so freaking bad! and now Arise!!! T_____T I also want to get Sisters Red!!! :'( argh...who am I kidding, I want them all!!!! Specially Lauren Oliver's I've heard her books are PERFECTION!

    Here's what books I got this week :D-> if you'd like to check it out :D

  25. I want to read Arise and Dreamless so much! If only I had more time. Before I Fall is SO good!


Thanks for stopping by! :)