Follow Friday! #53
Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by
Parajunkee &
Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends!
Q: Fight! Fight! If you could have two fictional characters battle it out (preferably from books), who would they be and who do you think would win?
A. Hmmm... I'm going to say my two most favorite kick ass herories:
I think I would go with Allie from
The Immortal Rules, because she's a vamp and she's kick ass amazing, and Sophie from
Hex Hall, because she's part Demon, and can kick as as well!
As for who would win... BEATS ME! But what an awesome fight it would be. :)
TGIF at GReads #20
TGIF at GReads is a Friday Feature hosted by Ginger at!
Book Blogger Influences: Has there been a particular book blogger who's influenced what you read? Share with us a review/book blog that convinced you to pick up a certain book.
Yes! I am easily swayed by books as it is, but there are a few blogs that always get me excited about reading new books. Here are just a few of them!
Kathy -
A Glass of Wine - Kathy is amazing, and I love her reviews. She has turned me on to SO many new books that I normally wouldn't have read.
Lori -
Pure Imagination - Lori's blog is one of the very first blogs that I started following! I love her reviews, and I have added many, many books to my to-read list because of her. I later discovered that we are from the same state, which is even more awesome!
Marla -
Starting the Next Chapter - Marla is another fellow blogger from my state! I always love visiting her blog. Her reviews always manage to get me excited. And she is great for recommendations as well!
Carina -
Fictional Distraction - Carina is one of the first people I started chatting with when I first started my blog. She's always coming up with interesting new posts on her blog, and I'm always grabbing the books that she recommends. :)
Petra -
Safari Poet - Petra is another blogger that I chatted with when I first started blogging. She is always posting interesting stuff on her blog to get me excited about new books. And she's super sweet as well!!!
These are just a few. There are TOOOOOOONS more!
Thanks for stopping by everyone! Please leave a comment with your link so I can follow you back!