Thursday, April 12, 2012

Friday Hops 4/13

Follow Friday! #52

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee & Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends!

Q: What is one book that you would be nervous to see a movie adaption of because you think the movie could never live up to the book?

A.I am SUPER picky about movie adaptations. Super, duper picky. That's why I'm not always excited about seeing my favorite books being made into movies.

I would say the movie adaptation I am most nervous about would probably be The Mortal Instruments! I love the book series, and would hate for the movie for it to suck.

TGIF at GReads #19

TGIF at GReads is a Friday Feature hosted by Ginger at!

Musical Stories: If you could read a book about any song, which song would you love to see written down in story form?

Hmmm, that's a hard question! I love music, so I have tons of songs that I would love to see stories about.  I can't really think of any one particular song off the top of my head, but anything that is romantic and sweet would work for me. (I'm sappy like that!)

Thanks for stopping by everyone! Please leave a comment with your link so I can follow you back!


  1. I absolutely agree with your answer and like your choice!

    New follower

    Shelley @ Gizmo's Reviews

  2. I am so nervous about The Mortal Instruments...I really don't like the guy they picked to play Jace and I think most of the movie really hinges on his performance. I guess we can just hope for the best, right?

    New Follower
    Here's Mine :)

  3. I think it's SO EASY to mess up movie adaptations so I'm a bit more wary of them. Sometimes they can be excellent though! Hee, I love your answer to the music question. :)

  4. I am picky about them as well. I haven't read The Mortal Instruments series (I know, have I been living under a rock?) I really need to get to it! Thanks for sharing.

    My F&F

  5. I so agree with you there, Christy. I'm so worried about how City of Bones will turn out. I know there are a lot of people out there excited about JCB as Jace, but I'm just not so sure yet. Great answer! Happy FF!

  6. Hopping through. I'm very nervous about TMI. It could go so wrong. I'm more nervous about Lily than I am about Jamie.
    My Hop

  7. I think Cassandra Clare's books (all of them) are the most popular answer this week! Her characters are very vivid, so that's understandable. They'd be hard to cast. Although I'm betting they could do some wicked cool camera work with her settings!

    Stop by and see my TGIF / Follow Friday!!

  8. The Mortal Instruments and CoB seems to be a pretty popular answer for the Follow Friday featured question. I have to say that I'm a little nervous about the adaptation of it, as well. But, I think I'm going to try and keep my fingers crossed that they can get it right, like they did with The Hunger Games. I am just super excited that they're making it into a movie, I think my biggest worry is how they're going to cast Magnus because there's only one person I see in my head who could possibly portray him in the best possible light. lol. And I'm sure he isn't who's cast.

    Suz @ A Soul Unsung
    My Follow & Feature!
    H A P P Y R E A D I N G ! ! !

  9. old follower!

    M/I should be ...uh... possibly interesting as a movie. i just can't picture it.

    TRISH - My FF

  10. Hi there :) just hopping through.

    I'm also really anxious about The Mortal Instruments!

    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

  11. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I completely agree..

    My FF,

    Have a nice weekend, Sharon

  12. Happy Friday! And oh I totally forgot about the Mortal Instruments, I hope they do an awesome job here. But did you see the first movie stils? They look awesome!!!! Super excited for that one!
    Have a good weekend!

    My FF

  13. I agree. I think I'm really nervous about any book that I like being turned into a movie. I just feel so much more protective of it.

  14. Hopping by to say have a great weekend!
    I still have to read The Mortal Instruments! Hopefully soon :)

    Old email follower (chidoryx at hotmail)

    The Muggle

  15. Hopping by to say have a great weekend!
    Old email follower (chidoryx at hotmail)

    The Muggle

  16. I wasn't sure about which song to pick, so I just picked several ones randomly from my "Memory Lane"-songlist. XD

    Patricia // My FF

  17. I enjoy The Mortal Instruments series and while I'm not a fan, I think the movies can pull it off. I think they're gonna rock, so I'm really eager to see them!

    Here's my FF. ♥
    Agnieszka @ Nook of Books

  18. I'm nervous about The Mortal Instruments, too! That movie could either be really cool or really terrible. I don't think it's possible for it to be mediocre.

  19. New follower.

    I haven't read The Mortal Instruments books yet. I have all the ones that have been published so far; I just haven't had time to read them.

    I'm hoping that Vampire Academy will be turned into a movie.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Here's my ff

  20. I haven't read the books yet, but I had no idea they were turning it into a movie. Now I need to read it before it goes viral and everyone is talking about the movie. Great answer, though, I definitely agree.
    Here's my FF:
    I'm a new follower.

  21. I totally understand what you mean Christy :) !! I'm very anxious about City of Bones being made into a movie .. I'm really hoping they won't make a mess of it :(

  22. Hi, I am a new follower via GFC. Great answer, not sure about it as a movie either.

    Here’s my FF

  23. Hey, I'm more excited than nervous about the TMI movie. After the first one, I may change my mind, though. Haha. New follower here via GFC!

    My FF

  24. Being picky is always going to make the movie less enjoyable, so I try not to be. It mostly works. Mostly.

    Old follower! Happy Friday!

    My Follow

  25. Have a Happy Friday!

  26. Oh I really need to read the mortal intrument series. But I agree it's always so difficult!

    here is mine

  27. I'm with you on the TMI movie. I will be so upset if it doesn't turn out well but it sounds like Cassandra Clare has input into and I think that helps since it's really her vision.

    MY FF
    Taken at Dusk Giveaway

  28. Totally agree 100% with both of your answers. Happy Friday!

    Old Follower

  29. I never read The mortal instruments, but if I read the synopsis, they sound like movie potential books. I can totally understand that you feel nervous about your favorite books: I hate it when I have the feeling they spoiled everything I love about the books..

  30. I always worry about the books that are so detailed and intricate being adapted for TV or movies. You just can't tell that good story in 2 hours.

  31. Man! I wish I had thought about TMI, because I completely agree! Thanks for stopping by my FF post. Im a longtime follower of yours :)

  32. I am scared about the TMI movie as well. Hopefully it's fantastic and we're plesantly surprised.

  33. I worry regardless of the book. ALWAYS! Movies can be hit or miss and rarely ever perfect.

    Happy Friday!

    New follower on GFC and Twitter

    Twitter @mirely GFC MAR

    Mirely @ Rumor Has It


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