Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #87 - Dark Triump by Robin LaFevers

Dark Triumph
(His Fair Assassin #2)
by Robin LaFevers

Publication Date: April 2nd, 2013
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children

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Sybella arrives at the convent’s doorstep half mad with grief and despair. Those that serve Death are only too happy to offer her refuge—but at a price. Naturally skilled in both the arts of death and seduction, the convent views Sybella as one of their most dangerous weapons.

But those assassin’s skills are little comfort when the convent returns her to a life that nearly drove her mad. Her father’s rage and brutality are terrifying, and her brother’s love is equally monstrous. And while Sybella is a weapon of justice wrought by the god of Death himself, He must give her a reason to live. When she discovers an unexpected ally imprisoned in the dungeons, will a daughter of Death find something other than vengeance to live for?

This heart-pounding sequel to Grave Mercy serves betrayal, treachery, and danger in equal measure, bringing readers back to fifteenth century Brittany and will keep them on the edge of their seats. (Goodreads)

So, I haven't read Grave Mercy yet...
But I have heard nothing but awesome things about the book.
It would be so awesome to read Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph together!

What are you Waiting for this week???

**"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine,
that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.**


  1. Nice! I haven't read the first one but been seeing this one around a lot lately!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I've got Grave Mercy, but still haven't made it to read it yet either! Sad that it'll be another year after this April release before the series is finished.

    Nikki @ Books Most Wanted

  3. Oh no, you sooo have to read GRAVE MERCY as soon as possible! Can't really believe you haven't done so yet! ;) But I'm really excited for DARK TRIUMPH as well and hope that it'll be just as awesome as the first book. :)

  4. Grave Mercy was really good. I am excited to see what happens in the sequel. Excellent choice.

  5. I'm really excited for Dark Triumph-I think the characters it's focusing on have the potential to make for an even more exciting story than Grave Mercy. Can't wait!

  6. I haven't read Grave Mercy either but I look forward to .. Besides I love the cover for the second book !!!

  7. I'm honestly still a little wary about reading Grave Mercy because of the size of the book, and some people have told me it was slow... But I do love assassins and everyone's been raving about it so I might give it a try. :)
    And that cover is STUNNING<3
    Great pick!

    My WoW

  8. OMG! OMG!! YESSSSSSS!! I LOVED Grave Mercy and can't wait to see what happens next. Plus, that cover is fantastic. Watch out--scary girl gonna kick yer booty!

  9. YES YES YES! Grave Mercy was AWESOME. I SO cannot wait for Sybella's story!

    My WoW


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