Monday, July 1, 2013

All the Ways to Follow... Google Reader Alternatives

As of today, July 1st, Google Reader will be no more. (WAAAAH!) This does not bode well for me, as I use Google Reader to keep up with the massive list of book blogs & author blogs that I follow. After being reminded every day for the past two months that Google Reader would in fact be closing, despite all my grumbling and complaining, I spent a good amount of time trying to find a alternative site to keep up with all of my links.

Here is a list of the readers & social media that I use to keep up.
If you don't already, try one out today!

Both BlogLovin' and Feedly are great sights. Both allow you to easily move your feed over to their platforms. I find myself to be really torn between the two readers. Both have features that I like, but I just can't seem to nail down which one I like the best. Bloglovin' seems to be a bit more user friendly, while Feedly seems to have a few more options. At this point, I am just going to keep randomly using both until I can figure out which I like the best.

Everyone and their mama has a Twitter account!  Twitter is my personal favorite for social media. I can post just about whatever I want to there, and I don't feel pressured like I do on some other sites. I just go with the flow! There are SO many great bloggers, authors, publishers and just about anyone that you want to follow on Twitter. Check it out!

To be honest, I don't actually use Facebook very often. I find it a bit confusing, to say the least. However, my blog does have a Facebook page that is updated through Network Blogs every time I update my blog. I do follow a few people through Facebook, so it is definitely an option if you chose to keep up with your favorites that way.

While Tumblr is another site that I just sporadically, I know a lot of authors use the site to update their readers about the what's happening with them. Cassandra Clare and Lauren Oliver are just a few authors that use Tumblr to keep us updated.

There are quite a few authors and publishers, as well as book bloggers that upload videos to Youtube. While I am not quite brave enough to do video's myself, I really enjoy watching the videos from the people who post them.

Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard for collecting and organizing things that you would like to keep track of. I know quite a few book bloggers and authors that take advantage of this site.  If you are a blogger, this is a good place to pin links to your blog posts, favorite reads, or any other book related items.I am always discovering new cover releases via Pinterest!

Goodreads is a wonderful site that lets you keep track of the books you've read, or that you want to read. It is also a great place to discover new reads, and meet new friends. I find the sight to be invaluable, just in the fact that I can keep up with my massive amount of books. Everything else is a bonus!

If you have an iPhone or Droid, chances are, you've heard of Instagram. I've just started to really take advantage of this app. It's been really great to see the bookish community come together here as well.

There you go, guys! These are my most favorite websites and apps to keep up with all my bookish goodies!I'm really going to miss Google Reader, but I'm hoping that with the help of all the sites mentioned above, I may still be able to keep up with everyone.

What websites or apps do you use to keep up? I'm always looking for new ideas!

Want to follow TheReaderBee on these sites?? Check the header bar above to find all my links!

Happy Reading!


  1. Great suggestions. I have been using Bloglovin but Feedly is kinda cool too.

  2. I love Feedly because the app is on my iPhone and it's how i stay on top of the book blogging community on the go. So I'm very familiar with it. Also if you already have a google account, Feedly will automatically add all our blogs in by just signing in with your email address. No need to verify your account by email.


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