Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Goals/Resolutions For 2015

December 30th: 
Top Ten Goals/Resolutions For 2015 -- bookish, blogging or otherwise!

1. Read More. -- I am a busy person. My kids keep me on the go, and takes away from my reading schedule. I really need to find a way to sneak in more reading time. It would be really nice to actually get caught up on my reading for a change. :)

2. Read more books I already own. -- I read a LOT of review books. While I absolutely love this, I never take the time to read the books I already own. It feels like I am never going to get caught up, and it's really overwhelming at times. So I'm going to be a lot choosier on the books I review this year.

3. Finish the Harry Potter series. -- This is something that I've been meaning to do for a while now, but just haven't gotten around to doing it. I may just start over from the beginning! AND I need to watch the movies too! This goal is a priority this year.

4. Listen to more audiobooks. -- I fell back in love with audiobooks this year, as I started listening to them while I walked the track. This would be a great way for me to catch up on books I want to read.

5. Read 100 books again. -- I surprised myself by reaching my reading goal of 100 books this year, and I reached the goal early as well! I hope I can pull this off again.

1. Keep losing weight. -- Usually my goal on New Years is to Lose Weight. However, this year my goal is to KEEP losing weight, cause I'm doing a pretty awesome job at the moment. Go me!

2. More ME time. -- As I mentioned above, my kids keep me super busy. (All moms know how this is.) I am rarely ever able to take time just for myself. This is somethign I need to remedy this year.

3. Update social media more often. -- I'll admit, you can pretty much find me on Twitter or Instagram, but my other forms of social media get neglected. I must make time to update more often.

4. Blog more. -- I've gotten better lately about blogging, but I really want to find new stuff to do for it as well. Something fun and different. I'm still brainstorming, but I'm hoping to figure out something awesome.

5. Watch more movies. -- I am not much of a movie or tv person. I just don't have time to watch movies or get invested in new shows. I made a goal in 2014 to watch 100 movies, and I only made it to 55. Like books, there are SO many movies out there that I haven't watched yet that I really want to watch. I'm going to attempt my goal of 100 movies again, so we will see how it goes this year! (I did get into a few new tv shows this year though!)

Those are my goals & resolutions for 2015!

What's on your list???

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!


  1. Listening to audiobooks definitely helped me read more when time was tight! And yes, you should finish reading Harry Potter!!!

  2. Definitely reading the books on my shelf which I own is a major goal for me. Great list! I hope you achieve all of the above :)
    here's our TTT

    Janhvi @ The Readdicts

  3. #4 of your bookish goals might help you with #1, I have been told that it's a great way to get through more books if you listen while doing other things (I haven't tried it myself, I find I get distracted and stop listening to things at the best of times lol)

    And yes, read Harry Potter! I re-read it a while back and it was so great to just go through them all one by one. I am jealous you get to read them for the first time (at least some of them I assume?) I think the first read through is always the best :)

    Oh and have fun watching movies too!

    - Wattle @ Whimsical Nature

  4. Yes to finishing Harry Potter and Blogging and reading more are definitely on my list too.

    Here's mine

  5. I love your goals, Christy! You must finish HP!! I actually just finished rereading the entire series. I fell in love all over again. Good luck with your goals in 2015.

    My 2015 Goals

  6. Excellent goals! Great blend of reading, blogging, and self-care. Congrats on changing "lose weight" to "keep losing weight" -- that's a great place to be!

    Joy's Book Blog

  7. Your goal 2 is one I'm definitely including on my list. I want to finish some series' that I own but have read all but the last one. Need to read what I want instead of what others want me to.

  8. Yay Harry Potter! I'm really happy to see that goal popping up on so many of the blogs that I'm following. Almost makes me want to reread the series myself because I'm so excited on behalf of everyone else!

    I'd also like to tackle the challenge of reading more books that I own, and ones that I've owned for awhile not just what I've most recently bought. I've got so many books that I was originally excited about and then got more since and they just never get read.

    Good luck with your goals!

  9. Congrats on the losing weight! My goals are similar - more me time and keep losing weight. Great goals! Cheers to a new year and meeting our goals!

  10. I like these resolutions! I hope you can carry through with them. I also need to finish the Harry Potter books, seeing as I have read the first two and seen the first two movies. I think I will aim for 100 books as well.


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