Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!! 2018 Goals & Resolutions

Welcome, 2018!
The new year has officially arrived!!
(And it's starting on a Monday, isn't that awesome?!)

2017 was full of lots of ups and downs for me, but overall, it was a halfway decent year! There are a LOT of things I want to work on and do differently in this new year, in hopes of making things in life a little better. I love how a new year means new possibilities, and I'm super excited to see what 2018 has in store for me!!

Here are just a few of my Goals and Resolutions for 2018:

*2018 Bookish Goals*

Read 150 Books
In 2017 I set my goal at 100 books, and managed to read 150 instead! (Which is the most I have EVER read in a year!) I'm hoping to do that again in 2018!

Read more of what I want to read.
I started doing this in 2017, and I enjoyed it SO much, I want to keep it up in 2018!
I especially love re-reading my old favorites, and reading books I never made time for before.
(AND catching up on ALL the books I'm behind on!)

More Audiobooks
This was actually one of my most favorite goals/resolutions from 2017,
and one that I definitely want to keep up!
I've totally been bitten by the audio bug. :)

Read Books I Normally Wouldn't Read
I stepped out of my comfort zone last year and discovered some new favorite books in the process! I definitely want to keep that up in 2018.

Stay Caught Up
Even though I read 150 books in 2017, I still never managed to stay caught up!
That's something I'm hoping to work on this year!

* Other 2018 Goals*

Maintain Current Weight
2018 is officially the FIRST year in over a decade where *Lose Weight* is NOT on my list of  yearly goals. I am insanely proud of the amount of weight I lost in 2016/2017, and my goal is this year is to just stay healthy and active!

Couch to 5K
I'm pretty happy with the treadmill/track plan I have at the moment,
but since I've lost so much weight, I'd like to try the Couch to 5k program again!

Watch More Movies
Every year I set a goal to watch 100 movies, and every year I barely reach the goal on time. I need to work on that this year, and I really want to branch out and find new movies to watch!

Catch up on TV Shows
Ugh, I never have time to watch TV, but I really want to work on that this year! There are SO many shows that I want to watch, and the few that I do watch I'm insanely behind on, so I really want to work on that this year.

Listen to Podcasts
I have SO many podcasts on my phone waiting to be listened to, but I never seem to have time!
Yet another thing I need to work on this year.

Keep up with Bullet Journal!
I started keeping a bullet journal in 2017, but I didn't do a very good job of actually keeping up with it. I'm hoping to do better this year!

*2018 Resolutions*

Do Better at Being Organized
(Both online and in real life!)

Make More Time for Myself
(I do not do this often enough.)

Do better at blogging and social media.
(Because I am the absolute WORST at staying caught up.)

Save Money
(No spending unless absolutely necessary!)

Declutter House
(Because we have SO much stuff.)

Be Myself.
(Because I love just doing my own thing.)

There you have it, friends!
Just a few of my goals and resolutions for the new year!
Let's hope I can actually keep up this year.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for a bunch of awesome goals for 2018 :D Wishing you the best of luck with all of this Christy. <3 And hoping this year will be amazing for you :)


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