Monday, July 18, 2011

Review: Sometimes It Happens by Lauren Barnholdt

Sometimes It Happens
by Lauren Barholdt
Publication Date: July 12th 2011
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781442413146
Source: e-ARC

Where to Buy:
B&N | Amazon | BAM | Borders | The Book Depository
On the last day of her junior year, Hannah's boyfriend Sebastian dumped her. Facing a summer of loneliness, Hannah turns to her best friend Ava for comfort. Ava does what BFFs do: she stays by Hannah's side...until it's time for Ava to head up to Maine for the summer. Also left behind is Ava's boyfriend, Noah, who's such a great guy he gets Hannah a job at the diner he waits tables at. Slowly, Hannah comes out of her funk thanks to Noah's good conversation and their fun times at the diner. But things get complicated when their friendship turns into attraction--and one night, into a passionate kiss.

The novel opens on the first day of senior year; the day Hannah is going to see Ava, Sebastian, and Noah all in one place. Over the course of the day secrets and betrayals are revealed, and alliances are broken and reformed. In the end, everyone is paired up once again, but not the way you might think...  -Goodreads
Sometimes it Happens is a quick, interesting read by author Lauren Barnholdt. This is my first novel by this author, but I will definitely be back for more.

Most of the characters in this book were pretty likable. I liked the main character, Hannah. She was just your all around average girl, not popular, but not unpopular either. It was really nice just having her be average. She definitely acted like a teen, and at some points made weird decisions, but I found the character to be pretty believable. I did not care for her best friend, Ava. She’s definitely the type of person that I would have avoided in school. Noah, Ava’s boyfriend, was definitely swoon-worthy. Lacey, their co-worker, is great. She’s definitely the kind of friend any girl would want to have.

The book is quick paced; I had it finished in no time. The writing style was simple, and easy to follow. The plot is believable. I thought Ms. Barnholdt did a great job of showing that yes, although it’s cheating, sometimes it can happen.

Overall, this was a pretty enjoyable read for me. I’m really looking forward to reading more of Ms. Barnholdts books now.

Happy Reading!


  1. Great review! This one does sound really good. I also like a quick paced book!

  2. This does sound pretty cute. I may have to check and see if it's at my library. I love realistic characters and Noah already sounds swoon worthy. Great review!

  3. This does sound interesting. I think I know who she ends up with. Unless there is a twist. Good teasing review. I just might have to read this one :)

    ♥ Trish
    Just a YA Girl

  4. Nice review, Christy! It sounds good and I know what you mean about 'average'. Sometimes it gets tiring to have them all be perfect :o]

    Thanks for sharing and I'll be reading this one!

  5. I need to pick this book up, I couldn't get to it quick enough before it expired on galley grab!!


  6. I was going to read this one...but I forgot about it! Maybe I'll pick it up at the library when they get it in. That's nice that the book is quick paced! I've been reading so many slow books!

    Great review!

  7. I've been curious about this book. It seems the consensus of most review I read for it rate it as just okay.

    Still, the writing style sounds great and since I'm drawn to stuff like that, I think I'll be giving this one a try.

    Thanks Christy.

  8. I read this and thought it was a pretty easy, quick read. The best part for me was the ramifications of Hannah's actions as it would have completely turned me off if that part were ignored.

  9. Sounds like a good contemp and I'm thinking my students will really like it -- the girls are always on the lookout for romance. Thanks for the review!
    Mary @ Book Swarm

  10. I really liked this one as well, so I'm glad you enjoyed it as well. :)
    Great review, thanks for sharing your opinion with us.


  11. Oh, sounds like one I will want to pick up. Vacation is coming, and i'm hoping to get more reading time.


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