Saturday, January 14, 2012

In My Mailbox #48

** In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free. **

For Review:
The Calling - Kelley Arstrong
**Thank You HarperCollins!!!!!**

Crave - Melissa Darnell

Lies Beneath - Anne Greenwood Brown
The Nightmare Garden - Caitlin Kittredge

**Courtesy Random House Children's Books**

So.Freaking.Excited to read The Calling! I adore Kelley Armstrong, and this series is definitely in my top 5 favorite series! I will definitely be starting on it soon. :)

SO excited for all my new books this week! I can't wait to get started on them all. :)

What did you get in your mailbox this week??


  1. Great books! I got Lies Beneath this week as well :)

  2. Great books! I can't wait to read The Calling! Also, I just got Lies Beneath on Netgalley, too! Can't wait to get to that one! :)

  3. Awesome haul! I bought Crave a while ago, hope to read it soon. I wanted to request The Nightmare Garden but I still haven't read The Iron Thorn yet, even though it's been sitting on my shelf since it's release. Hope you enjoy all of your books! :)

    My IMM!

  4. I got Lies Beneath too! SO excited to read it. The have to tell me how it is!

    Great haul. Really looking forward to your reviews!

  5. I want to read just about everything you've got in your mailbox! I definitely want to check them all out :)

  6. Ahhhhh Lies Beneath!!! I am super excited to read that. Anna is amazing and it sounds AWESOME. I have The Gathering (plus first two books in the Darkest Powers trilogy) but have yet to read any of them *ducks head in shame* I REALLY must catch up, especially since it's one of your favourite series! Awesome books, hope you enjoy!!

  7. OOooh so envious of you right now! I can't wait to read The Calling! You're such a lucky duck! :P

    My IMM goes up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Wonderful haul this week!
    Hope you enjoy all the pretties =D
    Feel free to check mine out ~
    My IMM:
    Happy Reading~
    A Cupcake and a Latte: Young Adult Reviews!

  9. I want the calling right now. loved the gathering :)

  10. Yay! Lies Beneath *happy dance* It looks so awesome. Can't wait to start reading itttt. Awesome IMM, I hope you enjoy!

    My IMM!

  11. Great list.

    I'm excited about Lies Beneath. Sounds great.

    Laura @ The Traveling Owl

  12. Great haul.

    I'm excited about Lies Beneath. It sounds great.

    Laura @ The Traveling Owl

  13. Oooh.. you have the Nightmare Garden. Haven't read Iron Thorn yet so I'm gonna have to start with that before I get the chance to read this. Enjoy!

    Happy reading!

    Janus @ The Blair Book Project

  14. Great books this week! I really need to read Kelley Armstrong's books! They look amazing!!

  15. I've seen Lies Beneath a lot today! Enjoy!


  16. I also got Lies Beneath! Super excited since there's a merman!!!

  17. I can't wait to read Lies Beneath! Waiting for my ARC… I've yet to read Kelley's series but I'm so looking forward to it! They look fantastic :) I didn't like Crave that much unfortunately but I hope you enjoy!

    Here's my mailbox!

  18. I got Lies Beneath, too, and can't wait to start reading it - it sounds fantastic! And seeing The Calling makes me realize that I should definitely read a book by Kelley Armstrong. :D


  19. Great Books!
    I still have to read Crave although I heard some mixed reviews about it :/

    Anyway, enjoy your books,
    Nickey @ The Book Shop Assistant

  20. I'm so excited to read The Calling & Lies Beneath! :) Enjoy your new reads.

  21. I received LIES BENEATH as well! So excited!! Enjoy your books!

  22. ahhh The Calling! That's amazing. I loved the first series and have also read a few in her Underworld series. Love Kelley Armstrong :) enjoy

  23. Oooo look at the pretties you received this week. :)

  24. Lies Beneath has a wonderful cover and looking forward to that one.

    In My Mailbox (15):

  25. You got great books!! I still haven't read The Iron Thorn so I didn't get The Nightmare Garden, but I am excited to read it

    The Cait Files

  26. the nightmare garden sounds interesting and the cover is so pretty!

    Check out my IMM

  27. Great books!! I hope you'll like them! ;) :)

  28. Great haul :) !!
    I haven't read The Gathering, I actually still have to order it :) !! Hoping you'll enjoy all these books .. Happy reading ;)

  29. Whoo great haul! You got The Calling!! I wonder if Crave is any good?? I can't wait to read your reviews :)

    Giselle @
    In My Mailbox

  30. njoy all
    looking 4ward 2 reviews

    a vid book lovers will love
    The JOY of books

  31. Oh some great books. I would like to read them all lol. Enjoy!

    My IMM

  32. Oh man, I can't wait for The Calling. I think that's going to shape up to be a really fun series.

    My IMM

  33. Great set! I really want to read Lies Beneath. Love the cover.
    My IMM

  34. Lies Beneath looks SO AWESOME! As does everything else! I hope you enjoy all you got :)

    Here's my IMM!

  35. So jealous you got The Calling. I can't wait to read that book. Hope you enjoy it!
    Happy Reading!
    My IMM
    A Beautiful Madness

  36. I really want to read The Calling as I really enjoyed The Gathering. I was accepted for a review of Lies Beneath from netgally this week. Hope you enjoy all of your books :)

  37. Great books! I'll be interested in what you think of Crave.

  38. Love Kelley Armstrong and looking forward to The Calling. And--boom!--just requested Nightmare Garden from Netgalley (hopefully, I'll get it). Happy reading!

  39. A lot of ppl are a fan of kelley armstrong so I'm sure you'll like the calling. I actually haven't read any of her books but I have the summoning and will read it soon. Happy reading!

    Shae @ Understanding Shae's Story

  40. New follower here! I almost bought Crave this past week! Great bunch of books! Here is my IMM if you'd like to follow me back:


Thanks for stopping by! :)