Saturday, March 10, 2012

In My Mailbox #56

** In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free. **

Endure (Need #4) - Carrie Jones
Tomorrow Land - Mari Mancusi

Endure!!! I requested this book on Netgalley when it was first put up, and finally got approved. :) I've read all the books in this series, and am super curious to see what happens next.

I've always always wanted to read something by Mari Mancusi. I'm excited to check out Tomorrow Land!

I also got another goodie this week, although it didn't come in my mailbox. iPad 2's dropped in price this week, so my hubby got me one. (Sweeeeeet!)  Although I know he did this so I would leave his alone, and I've been informed that he's already ordered the iPad 3. I'm still not complaining though. Haha!

What did you get in your mailbox this week???


  1. Great haul!! Ipad 2 looks awesome!!

  2. I have also read the entire Need series but I was liking it less and less with each book so I'm not sure I will even read Endure. I will watch for your review though to see if it is worth it :)

    I hope you enjoy your new electronic device!
    Happy reading

  3. great haul this week, I hope you enjoy your Ipad :)))


  4. I have the original iPad and I LOVE it!!! You really got some great books this week. I want to read the NEED series, just haven't made time for it yet.

  5. I haven't read the series that Endure comes from. I am guessing I should check it out.

    Also, AMAZING! How awesome that your hubby got you an ipad 2. What a nice gift. I bet you are LOVING it and using it all the time.

    Enjoy your new reads Christy!

  6. I didn't realize that Carrie's series was still ongoing. I haven't read Need, but I have been intrigued by the prospect a time or two. Don't know when I'll get to it too. And I was tempted to request Tomorrow Land for the same reason as you, but I reasoned that I didn't have the time :(

    Still, YOUR HAUL IS AMAZEBALLS. Your iPad is amazing! :DD


  7. I like the new cover for Tommorow Land, it was orignally titled Razor Land which was an awesome book.


  8. Nice iPad! I haven't read the Need series but I definitely want to some day! I haven't heard of Tomorrow Land, I'll have to go check it out.

  9. I am excited to for Endure. It feels like I have been waiting forever to see if I was approved or not. Happy Reading!

  10. I want an Ipad 2... wait... I want a hubby! Lol!

    Shae @ Understanding Shae's Story

  11. Great week hun! Thanks for the heads up about Tomorrow Land it looks awesome!!!! ~ Donna

  12. Tomorrow Land looks AWESOME! I can hardly wait to read your review on it. Happy reading :)

    new follower

  13. I am looking forward to reading Endure. It has been a long wait since the last book and I've forgotten some of what happens.

  14. Lucky, lucky you! My request for endure got denied :( Like you I read all the other books and I'm dying for Endure, but I'll have to be patient...
    And an iPad 2. You really are one lucky woman :)

    Here is my IMM:
    Nickey @ The Book Shop Assistant

  15. I love the Carrie Harris covers! And OMG, congrats on an iPad 2... my parents got me one this week too... squeeee!!

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

    *new follower*

  16. Wow for Endure! I can't wait to see what you think about it. i still need to read Need though =p
    Tomorrow Land looks good, I'll check it too.
    Whoa so lucky you got Ipad 2, hope you enjoy it =D

    My IMM :

  17. Hi! I have to admit the iPad 2 caught my eye! Haha. I have an iPad now for a year (the very first one) and I haven't really used it/enjoyed it as much as I should - do enjoy your new toy and your new reads!

    Here's mine over at GatheringBooks:

  18. Tomorrow Land looks pretty cool. Fancy pants, getting an iPad, and then another one. Too bad I'm the only working person in my relationship, so I'd have to buy one for him if it came to that. Blah!

  19. Aah, the NEED series - this has been on my to-read list for way too long now and I haven't started it nonetheless. I wish the days had more hours for me to spend more time reading. :D

    Awesome IMM. Hope you'll enjoy your books and have lots of fun with your new iPad! :)


  20. iPAD 2!! Lucky gal! I've been considering getting one now that it's a bit more reasonable in price. And the Mari Mancusi looks interesting--I'll have to go see if it's still on NetGalley!

  21. I read the first book in the Need series in French a while ago and liked it .. I'm hoping you'll enjoy this one !! I love the cover for Tomorrow Land, I'm going to check it out on Goodreads !! Happy reading Christy :)

  22. Enjoy your iPad! It will change your life :)

    The Muggle

  23. Love the look of both books!! I'm loving the Need series and can't wait to get my hands on Endure!

  24. I really need to try the Carrie Jones series, it sounds really interesting. Enjoy all your new reads!

    My IMM

  25. I have Endure but I need to read the rest of the series, first :-0

    My IMM

  26. Ooooh! Pretty Ipad 2! *stares at longingly*

    *cough* uggh, what?

    Tomorrow Land looks really interesting! I've not read any of the Need series but I'm so glad you finally got approved! *does happy dance for you*

    Hope you enjoy your new reads this week!

    Here's what I got In My Mailbox this week!

    Faye (:

  27. I hope Tomorrow land is really good, great mailbox! Enjoy all your books! :)

  28. Endure is so pretty. Is that in the same series as 'Need' or am I getting authors/series mixed up? I'd like to read them sometime, anyway. I saw a blog post about that Mari Mancusi book this week, it sounds pretty interesting.

    You can see my IMM here.


    PS - you can still enter my international giveaway here!

  29. I haven't started the Need series yet, but I love the title of each book! Tomorrow Land looks awesome too, happy reading :).

  30. I haven't read the Need series, but I have been wanting to. Happy reading! I hope you enjoy your new books.

    Danielle @ Novelly Antithetical
    My IMM


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