Saturday, March 31, 2012

In My Mailbox #59

** In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free. **

For Review:
Fated - Alyson Noël

Once (Eve #2) - Anna Carey
Hemlock - Kathleen Peacock
Velveteen - Daniel Marks

Tocuhed - Cyn Balog
Bad Hair Day (Katie Crable #2) - Carrie Harris
Kill Me Softly - Sarah Cross
Unspoken - Sarah Rees Brennan

Thank you HarperCollins, Random House, Egmont and St. Martins Press!

The past two weeks have been amazing weeks for books! My Nook and iPad are full of new galleys to read. I love it! And with Spring Break starting for the kids this week, I'm hoping to get lots of reading in!
All of the books this week look awesome! I can't wait to get started on them all!

What's in your Mailbox this week???


  1. Ahh man! YOu got Kill Me Softly?! I requested that twice nearly a month ago and haven't gotten any response! And now its release is two weeks away! Hope you enjoy it and the rest of your reads!

    My IMM will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I see tons of pretty covers!! What is Velveteen about?! I am seeing it everywhere?!

  3. I liked Unspoken and I got Velveteen and Hemlock this week as well. Enjoy your books :)

  4. I can't wait to see what you think about Hemlock and Velveteen!

  5. I'm dying to read Hemlock! I think I'm probably going to end up reading Once, just because I want to know what happens. I requested Velveteen and I'm hoping I get approved soon! It looks fantastic!

    Great mailbox, Christy!

  6. Fated has such a gorgeous cover! I'm a bit reluctant about picking it up though because people are always iffy about Alyson's writing haha. Maybe one day ;) Insanely jealous you've got Hemlock and Once!! I have to wait until July for both *sighs* Darn AU pub dates!

    My Mailbox

  7. Woo-hoo! Another reader who got Fated! :D I was so happy to find it in my mailbox today. Can't wait to read it, can you, Christie? :) Enjoy all of your other great books!

  8. I'm really hoping to get approved on NetGalley for Touched and Bad Hair Day. They both look so interesting. *fingers crossed*

    Enjoy your new books!

  9. I wish Egmont would just spare me the on-going torture and JUST APPROVE ME ALREADY. But that's neither here nor there. We're talking about YOU. And, wow, did you get a ton of awesome books! What great requesting taste you have here! :D

    Have an amazing reading week!


  10. Oohh nice week! Hope you enjoy them! Donna xoxox

  11. OoOO Bad Hair Day and Velveteen!!! I can't wait for those books, they sound so awesome and besides I LOVED Bad Taste In Boys, hilarious!

  12. Your IMM's so awesome, Christy! I actually got FATED (UK proof), VELVETEEN and HEMLOCK, too, and can't wait to start them. Have had an eARC of UNSPOKEN for a while now but with every time I see it again, I want to read it even more. :D I hope you'll enjoy them and have lots of time to read a lot! (Sadly my semester begins tomorrow and my reading time will be very limited.)


  13. Brill looking books this week! A few I must get my hands on!
    Happy reading :)

  14. Isn't NetGalley just the best? I can't wait to dive into Velveteen. It sounds fantastic. Enjoy all your new reads!

  15. Wooow!! You've got Hamlock!! SO good! I remember last month everyone was waiting for this book to come out :) And Bad Hair Day - I just love the title! I will read the book for sure when it comes out! :)

    Amazing mailbox! Enjoy all your books this week :)

  16. Awesome haul!
    Hemlock and Velveteen look good. Can't wait to see what you think about them.
    Enjoy all your new readings ;)

  17. Kill Me Softly, Velveteen and Hemlock are all ones that we will be discussing in our chats! :)

    I am so glad you got Kill Me Softly as well. Can't wait to see what you think of them.

    Happy reading while your kids are on spring break! Hope you get a lot done.

  18. I've been hearing good things about Unspoken! Hope you like it. Kill Me Softly is a new one to me, but the cover is quite interesting.

    You can see my IMM here.


  19. Congrats on the awesome mailbox this week... I LOVE the cover of Fated! Enjoy

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  20. OOH. Velveteen AND Kill Me Softly?! Ahh, Christy! Happy reading for sure, chica!

    My IMM

  21. What a great haul Christy !! I can't wait to read all your reviews !! Happy reading !

  22. Velveteen looks like a great book and I have been hearing good things about it. Enjoy all your new reads!


  23. You already got Velveteen??!!! I'm still waiting:( But great haul btw!

    Drop by my IMM?

  24. I got Velveteen and can not wait for them to approve me on Kill Me softly, got to love Netgalley!
    My IMM 

  25. OK so the covers for fated, Once, Velveteen and Hemlock? Put them all side by side and I just can't even stand the prettiness haha :) So exicting to have gotten such awesome books this week and I hope you enjoy them all!

    You can check out my IMM video and post for this week at the link below :) Happy Reading!!

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  26. NetGalley sort of rocks, eh?!?! Great haul!

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  27. Oohhh Fated! I can't wait for your review on it! And you've got some amazing galley books this week that I can't wait to read! Happy reading!

  28. I keep seeing that beautiful cover for Unspoken! I'm going to have to request it! :) Have fun with all your new reads!

  29. Oh, you got Fated, Once and Hemlock, I'm sooo jealous! Great IMM!

  30. Oh, you got Fated, Once and Hemlock! I'm so jealous! :)

  31. A wonderful haul this week, I can't wait to get hold of Fated - Happy reading!!

    My IMM -

    Have a great week, Sharon

  32. Great IMM. I've seen Fated and Unspoken in a few other IMMs I've visited. I'm interested in Touched. I like the typography. Enjoy your books! :)

    Here's My IMM. :)


Thanks for stopping by! :)