May 19: Reasons Why I Love [insert your favorite book title, genre, author, etc. here]
Happy Tuesday, Bookworms! It's been a while since I've done a Top Ten post, and I was definitely intrigued by today's prompt! I decided to go with ROMANCE, because I just love it SO much right now. It's about the only genre I can focus on at the moment, and they are seriously getting me through this difficult time. Below are a few of the romance books that I've read recently, and the reasons why I LOVED them!
(Click the covers for info on the books!)

Addictive Storylines
(Great for keeping me distracted!)

The Kissy Stuff
(Which is *also* a great distraction!)

They Make Me Laugh
(And we could all use a good laugh right about now!)

Quick Reads
(That help pass the time!)

The KISSY Stuff
(Oh, did I already mention this?! Sorry!)

The STEAMY Reads
(Excellent distractions caused by lots of kissy stuff.)

Relatable Reads
(And because sometimes you can't help but relate!)

Historical Reads
(And because sometimes you can get a history lesson in the mix as well!)

MORE Steamy Stuff
And I totally have to mention the steamy stuff again. ;)

The Happy Ever After
(Even when it takes a while to get to it, I love the HEA at the end.)
• • •
Haha, this post was too much fun! As I said above, I really love romance, especially right now, and those are the reasons why!

Nice reasons! Lol. Got a chuckle at a few of them too!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
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