Monday, February 28, 2011

Cover Crazy (3) Starcrossed

Cover Crazy was created by The Book Worms. For all the information about creating your own Cover Crazy post, click here.

This week I am cover crazy about...
Josephine Angelini
This cover is just gorgeous! I can't stop looking at it. The girl, the dress blowing in the wind, (love the purple!), the stormy clouds in the sky, and the water. I just love it.

The cover says, "A gorgeous, haunting saga." -Lauren Kate. The cover looks haunting to me!

I was lucky enough to receive the ARC from Netgalley and HarperTeen for this book last week, and I'm itching to start it!

What book are you cover crazy for this week?? Leave a link so I can see what you like!
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  1. I love this cover !! The UK cover is pretty great too .. You should check it out =)

  2. The cover is absolutely beautiful! I requested it from Netgalley too, but haven't been approved yet!

  3. Elodie- where can I find the UK cover??? I'd love to check it out!

    Two Readers- Trust me, I was shocked that I was approved! They are working on approvals again this week, so hopefully you will have them soon!

  4. I love the movement of the purple dress (and the colour!) and the dark storm clouds in the background. Definitely gorgeous and haunting!

  5. I love the colors and atmosphere of this cover! I do wish they hadn't cut off her nose though :)

  6. It really is beautiful. Purple is my favourite colour too.

  7. You can check out the UK cover here

    I always think of greek gods when I see this cover.

  8. LOL, I only just read the synopsis and realized the connection.

  9. Oh wow, that covers gorgeous too! Thanks Petra! I didn't know this was about Greek Gods either. :)

  10. Love the cover of this one!

    I got a UK copy for review a few weeks back and can't wait to read it! :)

  11. Seems like the wind is always present in these ghost story covers. I really like the dark storm clouds in the background. Seems like the books is going to be about looming disaster or impending change?

  12. This is a cover I really love, too. It sounds like a fascinating trilogy, too. The cover only makes me want to read it even more!


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