Sunday, March 13, 2011

In My Mailbox (5)

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. It's a great way to showcase the books you've gotten over the week, whether they are bought, borrowed or free.

Here is what is in my mailbox this week...

Library Books:

Wonderous Strange - Lesley Livingston
Stargazer - Claudia Grey
Beautiful Creatures - Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl


Pregnant Pause - Han Nolan
Never Eighteen - Megan Bostic
Dark of the Moon - Tracy Barrett
The Magnolia League - Katie Crouch


Radiance - Alyson Noel

What's in your mailbox this week?? Leave a comment with your link so I can come see your IMM!

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  1. You got some good books there to read. Radiance was a cute little book I loved the characters Riley, and her little friend

  2. You have some good reads there. Radiance is a cute little book and I love Riley's charcter. :)

  3. Great books this week! Every time I see Claudia Gray's name come up I have to wonder why I didn't continue the series...I still don't know why, lol, because the first book was really great.

    Happy reading!

  4. You got the 2nd in the Evernight series, hope you're enjoying it. As always I want everything in your mailbox :-)

    Happy reading!

  5. NetGalley is just so awesome, right? I've got really cool books form them too this week! I am dying to read Beautiful Creatures! I'm looking forward to your review! ;)

    Check out my IMM for this week :)

  6. I like the sound of The Magnolia League. I request a copy of Dark Moon as well from Netgalley, but have yet to receive a yes or no. Happy reading!

    Love the layout btw!

    Take a look at what's in my Mailbox this week.

  7. Wondrous Strange sounds like a great book, I have had it on my wishlist for ages now!
    I also have Beautiful Creatures on my TBR pile, but it's so big, it's kind of putting me off reading it.
    Here's my IMM:

  8. So jealous that you have Never Eighteen! Looks like you got a lot of really good books this week (:

  9. Great books you got this week. They all look really interesting. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  10. Wow! Full mailbox!! Have only heard of most of the titles and haven't read them. Will look for your reviews!

    Old Follower
    Here's my IMM

    Jessica@a GREAT read

  11. You got some great books. Looking forward to reading your reviews!

  12. I really liked Wondrous Strange and Stargazer and I hope you'll too !! Happy reading ;)

  13. Cool mailbox. I'm curious to see what you think of Dark of the Moon and The Magnolia League. I debated reading them... Happy reading!

    Carmel @ Rabid Reads / Twitter
    Check out my IMM

  14. Great books this week. Netgalley is the best. I love the cover of Radiance - so sweet.
    Happy reading.

  15. I'm excited to read The Magnolia League! Great books this week! :)

  16. Awesome mailbox!! I've been dying to read Radiance!! The school my kids go to have it in the Book Fair and I am trying to get my daughter to get it for me:) Can't wait to read your reviews!!

  17. I really liked the Evernight series! The Magnolia League sounds really good, I just have so many books to read I figured I'd wait for now. It's hard though because I love books that take place in the south. Which was one thing I really loved about Beautiful Creatures, the southern flare.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm now a follower of your terrific blog!

  18. A great batch of books for the week. Did you get Radiance at the discounted price? I hope so! I've not heard of quite a few you got from NetGalley. Will look for your reviews to find out more.


  19. Wow! You done good gal! Not heard of a lot of the reads you picked up from Netgalley. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts in your review.

    PS: did you get Radiance at the discounted price? Hope so....

  20. Awesome books in the IMM. Can't wait to hear what you think of Radiance most.

  21. I really liked Stargazer; hope you do too. :) Enjoy all your books!

  22. I've been thinking about checking out 'Beautiful Creatures' ... everyone seems to really love that series.

    Awesome books this week. Thanks for visiting Book Labyrinth. =)

  23. Awesome books! I really love Beautiful Creatures & the Evernight series.

    Happy reading! :)

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Christy. I see you have some great books in your pile.
    Have a great time reading them!

  25. Great books! Beautiful Creatures sounds like a really interesting read (I'll have to borrow my sister's copy one day).
    Happy reading. ^_^

  26. I so want Woundrous strange and Radiance. I haven't heard of Dark of the Moon until now so I'm adding it to my list.
    Happy Reading!
    Jennifer @Book Noise

  27. I love Wondrous Strange and the series is great. Happy reading!

  28. Wow great books! I'm gonna look for your reviews :) I read Beautiful Creatures and enjoyed it and hoping you'll enjoy your books too!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  29. The Magnolia League is on my wishlist...hope it's a good one!

    Here's my IMM

  30. Oh, these are just excellent! All these gorgeous covers, too! THE MAGNOLIA LEAGUE is definitely on my to-read list. Enjoy all of your books, Christy! And thanks for stopping by the blog, earlier!

    Asher K.

  31. I love your book haul this week :D Wonderous Strange is a series I keep meaning to buy but just haven't got round to it. I've heard such good things.

  32. You got some great books. I just bought the third book of the Evernight series. Hope you like Stargazer.

  33. Thanks for stopping by my blog! You got some great stuff this week--will be looking for your reviews of Pregnant Pause and Never Eighteen!

  34. Some of my favorites there...Wonderous Strange, Beautiful Creatures. I really enjoyed Radiance, too...its a great middle grade book!

  35. Let me know how Wondrous Strange is, I've heard mixed reviews about it but, after reading Wicked Lovely and Iron King I was trying to find another Fae story that was as good. i'm reading Beautiful Creatures too :)

  36. Great books! I got Magnolia League too and can't wait to read it. I loved Radiance. The character of Riley is my favorite--my students really enjoyed this novel as well. Enjoy all your books!

  37. You really had a great week in the mailbox. I really enjoyed Beautiful Creatures. Happy reading and thanks for hopping by my blog.

  38. Never 18 sounds really good! Great books this week!

  39. I'm super interested in reading your review of The Magnolia League. I'm on the fence about reading that one. Hope you enjoy all your books!

  40. I liked Beautiful Creatures, Radiance and Strgazer! I hope you like them too. Thanks for stopping by my blog and happy reading!

    The Procrastinator's Corner

  41. Great mailbox! I just read Stargazer a few days ago and I liked it. At the moment I am reading Hourglass and it's even better! Grabbing Beautiful Creatures was a really good choice, because the narrator, Ethan, is such a sweetheart, you'll love him;)
    My IMM can be found here

  42. Great book haul this week! I absolutely loved Beautiful Creatures and can't wait to read your thoughts. Have a great week!

  43. Thanks for stopping by everyone! I saw some really great books on your blogs today! :)

  44. Great mailbox hon!!! I cant wait to hear what you think! Thank you for stopping by!

  45. You had a great week! I can't wait to start Beautiful Creatures! I've heard nothing but good things about it!


  46. Don't you just love netGalley? Amazing books this week.
    Happy reading!

  47. so many awesome books! hope you enjoy them all. happy reading :)


    p.s. thanks for stopping by our blog.

  48. I really think you will enjoy wondrous strange and stargazed. I have them both ans they were really great. Im not a big fan of beautiful creatures so I look forward to you review!

    Hope you enjoy the all, happy reading!

  49. Great selection this week! Beautiful Creatures is great, and I really want to read Wondrous Strange too.

  50. Great IMM!! Found new books from your post

    Netgalley got many great books. But I still have tons of book to read. I am afraid that I have no time to read them all :(

  51. Awesome mailbox this week!
    Happy reading :)

  52. Great stack of books! Dark Moon looks good :)

  53. Ahh, you've got some great books there! I'm always jealous of you all that have the possibility to go to the library and get those gorgeous books. My library doesn't have many English books and those they've got are old and not my genre :P
    Anyway, happy Reading and thanks for leaving a comment on my IMM yesterday!

    //Q N

  54. Thanks for stopping by!
    You've got a cool stack of books there!
    I just read the promo for Beautiful Creatures on the back pages of Blood Promise! I LOVED Shadow-kissed! It was amazing!
    haven't heard of the rest of the books, will check them out, thanks for the heads up!!
    Happy Reading!!!:D

  55. Nice haul :) I really need to get to Wondrous Strange and Beautiful Creatures, they look amazing! Hope you enjoy :)

  56. Hi Christy,

    Quick question? Can I have you blog? PLEASE! I love your blog name and design! So glad I found it.

    Oh, and I I just looked up Never Eighteen. Sounds so good. Thanks for putting that book on my radar.

  57. Oooh...Beautiful Creatures! I hope you love it.

  58. Lol, Missie! I'm glad you like it! I love yours as well! :)

  59. Just stopping by - I've always wanted to read Radiance by Alyson Noel, but I've never actually gotten to it. And I keep hearing about Beautiful Creatures but I'm always on the fence about it!


  60. Super cute site!! I love Beautiful Creatures. Cool NetGally books. I hope you enjoy all your books! Happy reading :)

  61. I hope you enjoy Never Eighteen. Thanks for taking the time to read it. :)

  62. Thanks Megan!! I'm looking forward to it!


Thanks for stopping by! :)