Monday, April 4, 2011

Review: Die For Me by Amy Plum

Die For Me
Author: Amy Plum
(Revenants #1)
Release Date: May 10th 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Pages: 352
ISBN13: 9780062004017
Source: ARC

Available for Pre-Order:
B&N | Amazon | HarperTeen

My life had always been blissfully, wonderfully normal. But it only took one moment to change everything.

Suddenly, my sister, Georgia, and I were orphans. We put our lives into storage and moved to Paris to live with my grandparents. And I knew my shattered heart, my shattered life, would never feel normal again. Then I met Vincent.

Mysterious, sexy, and unnervingly charming, Vincent Delacroix appeared out of nowhere and swept me off my feet. Just like that, I was in danger of losing my heart all over again. But I was ready to let it happen.

Of course, nothing is ever that easy. Because Vincent is no normal human. He has a terrifying destiny, one that puts his life at risk every day. He also has enemies . . . immortal, murderous enemies who are determined to destroy him and all of his kind.

While I'm fighting to piece together the remnants of my life, can I risk putting my heart—as well as my life and my family's—in jeopardy for a chance at love?

My Review:

Die for Me - After the death of her parents, Kate and her sister move to Paris, France to live with their grandparents, in hopes of starting a new life for themselves. Kate doesn’t want anything to do with friends or boys, until she meets the charming Vincent, who makes her feel alive again. But Vincent also has a secret, and Kate must decide if he’s worth risking her heart over.

Wow, this book was really great! The story and characters had me hooked from the beginning, and I had a really hard time putting the book down. It’s definitely a book that will be added to my collection.

The story is absolutely fascinating, and not really what I was expecting. I really connected with the main character, her pain and grief. But she was strong and determined, and while she was grieving, she didn’t totally give up hope. Vincent wasn’t the perfect ‘hero’, by far. But he really cared for Kate, even when he was torn about having her in his world. The secondary characters were well written as well. Jules and Ambrose were really funny, I found myself laughing at them more often than not.

The plot is fast paced and interesting. The writing and descriptions were well written and beautifully described. The ending left me satisfied, but I’m also anxiously looking forward to the next book in the series, coming out next year!

Thank you to HarperTeen and Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book!

Have you read this book?? Leave me a comment and let me know what you thought, or if you're looking forward to reading it! :)
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  1. I've heard really good things about this book. I can't wait to read it.

  2. I've seen a lot of hype about this...this review makes me want to read it even more!
    Great review!

  3. Yay! Glad you loved it. I shall start reading this in the next 24 hours. Amy Plum is just fab and this series will be huge!

  4. I have an ARC, too, but it's still in my reading pile :( I hope I get to read it really soon, I hear lots of good things about it!

  5. As if I needed another reason to get this :-)
    Glad you enjoyed it.

  6. I have this waiting for me to read on NetGalley also. I am so very excited about it!!! Great review!

  7. Great review! I love this book so much; one of my faves of 2011 so far. There's a review with amy plum the author on my blog! She's a lovely person =]

  8. Thanks for stopping by everyone! This was really great, and I am looking forward to seeing what you all thought of it!

  9. I'm so looking forward to reading this! Great review, now I want it even more!

  10. I am looking forward to reading this one. I too was lucky enough to pick it up from NetGalley for review. I'm glad you liked it. I have to get through The Goddess Test, first then this one will be my next book.

  11. Fantastic review. I am really looking forward to reading this. I've heard nothing but good things about it.

  12. I can't wait to read this! Reading your review adds more to my excitement :) Great review and glad you enjoyed it.

  13. I fell in love with this book cover its one of the prettiest I've seen by far. I'm looking forward to reading this one soon. Definitely adding this one to my TBR list i liked your review really makes me want to read it.

    as always ♥, Carol

  14. Glorious! So glad you liked this! I have the NetGalley copy as well and am so looking forward to reading it! LOVE the cover!

  15. I didn't request this one from NetGalley, but I may have to now! It sounds great!!

  16. I've pre-ordered Die for Me from the Book Depository and I'm happy to read that you liked it! :)

  17. I cannot WAIT to read this book! I've had it on pre-order for like EVER now and I think I'll drop everything the minute it arrives at my door :)

  18. I am really looking forward to reading this.

    Great review


  19. I loved this book :) Can't wait for the second one to come out! :) Nice review!


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