Thursday, April 21, 2011

Follow Friday (11) & Book Blogger Hop (10)

Follow Friday!  TGIF!!! Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee. It's a great way to meet new blogger friends!

This weeks question is:
Q. What's on your current playlist?

I usually have a rock mix going on my playlist. I love Three Days Grace, best band of all time! I'm definitely a rocker chick. :)  I'm also digging Plain White T's and The Script right now. :)

Book Blogger Hop!!Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by It's a great way to meet new people and friends around the blogworld!

Today's question is:

"If you find a book you love, do you hunt down other books by the same author?"
Most often, yes I do. Especially if I really, really loved the book. :)

Thanks for stopping by everyone! Please leave a comment with your link so I can follow you back!

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  1. Can I just say you have fantastic music taste because, well, you do! :) I love Three Days Grace & I am currently obsessing over The Script!

  2. Hi-I am happy to be a new follower of your blog- The Reading Life. I hope you might be able to follow me back!--Mel u

  3. Hopping through. There are a few Three Days Grace songs that I like, but a lot of their stuff is too hard for me.
    My Hop

  4. Never been a fan of Plain White T's, but I love love love Three Days Grace! I listened to I Hate Everything About You years ago and I'm still not tired of it (this is huge. My attention span is like, 5 seconds.)
    I don't know The Script. Does that mean I live under a rock?

  5. Old follower stopping by! I used to love Three Days Grace, but not so much anymore. My tastes differ at times based on my mood, so right now I'm listening to more upbeat pop type stuff right now. Have a great weekend! :)

  6. Hi I'm an old follower hopping through. I love Three Days Grace too! Have a great weekend.

    Here is my hop post:

  7. Hey, Christy. Old follower dropping in to say, "Hi." I've got a lot of rock on my playlist, as well, though I tend to go for the moodier stuff. My favorite is Lacuna Coil. Great band. Have a good weekend.

  8. I like Three Days Grace. I've never actually listened to Plain White T's though!

    New follower!
    Here's my Follow Friday.

  9. I don't think I listen to rock music at all. I'm currently listening to the type of music that is calm enough for studying.

  10. Old follower just saying hi! On my playlist right now is Sign no more by Mumford & Sons I cant stop listening to them.

  11. I love The Script and Three Days Grace. ^^

    Zombie Ninjas

  12. I'm a fan of The Script and have Hey There Delilah by Plain White T's , but haven't really listened to Three Days Grace. I'll check them out.

    Have a great weekend :-)

  13. I love Three Days Grace as well!

    ~Happy Blogging!~

  14. I looooove Three Days Grace!! One of my fave bands! I saw them at a concert once! And I just love them! Can't wait for their next CD!

    Here's my Friday Hops

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower
    Jessica@a GREAT read

  15. Hi, old follower. I don't really listen to music unless I am working out. I don't really hear much when I concentrate. I am not on the C4Bk hop yet today but Sometimes I not only find them but read them like I am starving for books!Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  16. Hey, I’m stopping by for FF! I love the script to, I keep hearing their songs on the radio and I NEEDs to get their album!
    You can catch my FF here:

  17. Hi Christy! Old follower hopping through- yes, Three Days Grace is a really good band, I am not huge into rock but my little sister is OBSESSED with Three Days Grace :) She's been to like a dozen of their concerts haha. Anyways, I hope you're having a great weekend!!

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  18. New follower here. Great blog. Come on over to mine at Have a great weekend.

  19. Haven't listened to Three days grace or The Script. But love Plain White T's, I'm going to one of their concerts in a few weeks :)

  20. Heeeyyy! I'm an old follower! I'm listening to some Adele right now. But I do listen to some rock every once in a while! :-D

    Happy Blog Hop!

    P.S. Last day for our five HUGE giveaways!!!

    Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter

  21. Hi, Christy. I am here from the Hop! Your site has a nice, clean and crisp look. Have a terrific Easter.

  22. Just hopping through! Happy weekend.

  23. Hopping through!

    I love The Script! <3

  24. New follower stopping through on the hop...I love The Script! Check out my post, Song & Book Saturday...I pair music and books, because both are awesome.
    Jennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog

  25. I'm a new follower, simply because of the fact that you like The Script, I will actually check out your blog though!

  26. Hello! Great blog you have here! Stopping by from the Hop and the Follow. New follower! Happy Reading!

    Zakiya @ Butterfly Feet Walking on Life & For the Love of Reading

  27. new follower, totally love your blog!! The bee's are so cute. I think most people like to stick with authors they love, it usually means you will have an enjoyable read! happy weekend and happy easter!

  28. I'm a HUGE Three Days Grace fan. Nice choice ;)


Thanks for stopping by! :)