This weeks question is:
Q. Do you have anyone that you can discuss books with IRL? Tell us about him/her.My mom and sister are both readers... they prefer mystery (mom) and PNR (sis). We are always chatting up about books, and going book shopping together. I do have a few friends that read as well, and we chat about books sometimes, but I think I'm the only one that is really, REALLY obsessed. lol!! My oldest daughter is starting to read YA books, and that's been really awesome too!
Today's question is:
"Pick a character from a book you are currently reading or have just finished and tell us about him/her."
I'm reading Hereafter by Tara Hudson, and it's about a girl named Amelia. (She doesn't know her last name.) She's a ghost as well. It's pretty interesting!
Thanks for stopping by everyone! Please leave a comment with your link so I can follow you back!
Isn't it fun to be able to go shopping together, I do have a niece that when we lived near by we went book shopping all the time.
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Donna and Kelly
Lol, I know exactly how you feel. Other than my friend no one else I know is really obsessed books. My sister reads too, but we read totally different genres and can't really see eye to eye on the books we do like.
ReplyDeletebtw, I followed you back. I'm looking forward to your posts and your blog looks awesome.
Hopping through. My mother read a lot of mysteries (J. Evanovich) and thrillers (Baldacci), which I don't like, but we do read some of the same books. She just finished The Help and now my dad is starting it.
ReplyDeleteMy Hop
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Aww that's so cute! My mom and sister are always too busy to read. I do discuss books with my younger brother though. Mostly middle grade books like Percy Jackson and Harry Potter.
ReplyDeleteI am an old follower stopping by to wish you a happy Friday! My mom is also my book buddy.
ReplyDeleteYou can see my follow Friday post here if you would like!
It's tough to be the only one obsessed in a crowd, but hey that's what the boook blogging community is for right ^.~
ReplyDeleteNew Follower!
Sniffly Kitty
Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books
I have the same situation (kind of) but I don't currently live near my mom :( I really depend on the online community for all of my book talk.
ReplyDeleteAww I wish I could chat with my mom about books! But I read YA she reads Harlequin so I think it'd be a little weird lol
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
The only person I really have is my sis in law, but she has a long way to go before we can talk about all the books I've read. it's nice to have at least one person interested though. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm always trying to encourage my sister to read more! I lend her a lot of books and she'll try them and mostly enjoy them but I have to be careful about what I pick for her! It's nice you and your sister have similar tastes.
ReplyDeleteMy Mom wouldn't read a book to save her life! No sisters... and a 'gamer' for a brother. *tears*
ReplyDeleteMy Blog Hop & FF!
Thats cool that you have your mom and sister ! Alas I dont have anyone in real life to discuss books with. Thankfully we have the internet!
ReplyDeleteFollowing now!
Lets Get Romantical
That's great that you can share that with your family.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend and as always happy reading :-)
You are so lucky your mum and sister both read! my mum does a little but not on my scale lol
ReplyDelete- Kylie
Hiya new follower here from Follow me Friday. My everyday friends don't read much so I talk books to all of my friends at Goodreads, its where I get all my suggestions of what to read next and what to avoid!
You are so lucky you have your muma nd your sister. my mum reads but very little and she isnt the ;lets chat about it later' type *sigh* but i have many friends who read
ReplyDelete- Kylie
So nice that you have them. My mom reads, but only Nora Roberts and Debbie Macomber and it's like pulling teeth to get her to read one of my books.
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday!
Heya, old follower here, hoppin' on by! You're so lucky your mom and sister read! My mum reads, but she isn't into the whole paranormal. Ah, I can never go book shopping with other people: it's bad enough when I go alone! ;)
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
Meg @ The Book Addicted Girl
New follower visiting, my Mum is also my reading buddy when it comes to traditional romance (Harlequin etc.,) and historical romance but unfortunately she doesn't like paranormal romance so luckily I've found some lovely online bloggers and readers to discuss them with.
ReplyDeleteWe (my Mum and I) used to love to whittle away a couple of hours browsing our local Borders shop before they shut down. We still miss that a lot, especially as we could sit down and have a coffee at Starbucks while doing our browsing. We discovered a lot of new authors that way.
My family aren't avid readers as I am. But my BFF does read the same kinds of books now as I do. Only took me forever to get her liking them! I'm converting people to the "Dark Side"! ;)
ReplyDelete*Sort of a joke amongst my friends because they would tease me back in high school for reading "vampire" books. Of course I had to argue that I was reading books with other supernatural creatures as well!
Here's my Friday Hops
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower
Jessica@a GREAT read
Great post and great blog! I am a new follower!!! Happy Friday!
ReplyDeleteAmber @
Hi, just visiting on FF. Although she loves books already it's gonna be a while before my 18mth old can chat about my sort of books. In the meantime my Dad plays a limited role.
ReplyDeleteIt's awesome that your daughter is getting into books as well. I don't have children myself but I am pushing my sister's children to read alot by getting them books all the time. I can't wait to see what you think of Hereafter. I have heard good things.
ReplyDeleteI don't have anyone to discuss books with either, other than my other book blogging friends that I have met off the internet. You can see my blog here:
ReplyDeleteI'm an old follower.
Mothers and daughters! You can always rely on them ;)
Hi, thanks for your comment!
ReplyDeleteI've found out that if you do just talk - whether they want to hear or not - people tend to respond. Try: what's your favourite book. I've bugged loooaads of people with that one! Probably everyone I meet. Maybe I should try to do that less...
And my family are the best!
Hopping family has a lot of avid readers but we all read different things.
I'm hoping my daughter will start to love reading as she gets older, she's nine now and doesn't really care for it. :( lol
ReplyDeleteTGIF!! Jess @ Gone with the Words
I wish I had someone to talk YA with. The lack of a YA reader friend is probably one of the biggest reason that I don't read more of it.
ReplyDeleteNew follower.
Just hopping by! How great that your daughter is starting to read YA. When my son is older I hope we'll be able to read together. :) For now I'm lucky to have a book-loving husband.
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday!
kathy from Read This Instead
ReplyDeleteYou're lucky to have readers in your family. I have a mother who just likes to fill her bookshelf, but she only reads about 1-2 books a year. Same goes for dad. My sister never reads, and neither does my boyfriend. And I only have one friend reading, and she hate anything with romance and paranormal elements. ;) At least my boy and friend both listens when I have to let my feelings out! :)
My FF can be found here!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I'm just returning the favor. I'm a new follower as well. If you have a chance, please make sure to stop back over as I have two giveaways running, with very little entries, so the chances of winning are really good. Thanks! A Book Obsession..
ReplyDeleteMy mom and I read the same genres, for the most part. Can't seem to get my sister to read though.
ReplyDeleteNew follower!
Have a great weekend!
The Magick Pen
Thanks for stopping by everyone! I enjoyed reading everyones posts this week. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Blog Hop! (I know, I’m a little late this weekend!) Old follower here!
I know how you feel! I'm the really the only one out of my group of friends that is obsessed with reading! Oh well!
F.Y.I - Saturday was our one year anniversary at Once Upon A Chapter. We are having four huge giveaways plus our 500 followers giveaway! Please check it out!
Lisa @ Once Upon A Chapter
I am anew follower from Friday Follow and hope you take a look at my blog and see if u'd like to follow.
ReplyDeleteI focus on sci fi , paranormal, historical romances and post sundays on author tips and updates on my writing. ..