by Sarah Dessen
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Publication Date: first published May 27th 2002
Publisher: Speak
Pages: 368
ISBN: 9780142501559
Genre: Young Adult | Contemporary
Source: Own
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She's got it all figured out.
Or does she? When it comes to relationships, Remy's got a whole set of rules.
Never get too serious. Never let him break your heart. And never, ever date a musician.
But then Remy meets Dexter, and the rules don't seem to apply anymore.
Could it be that she's starting to understand what all those love songs are about? (Goodreads)
This Lullaby is the next book on the list for my Sarah Dessen Readathon, and I’m super excited to read this book again. This Lullaby was the first book that I ever read by Sarah, and I read it many, many years ago, so a lot of the details from the book are super fuzzy in my mind. I'm excited to have the opportunity to read the story again!
As I mentioned above, I read This Lullaby a while back, in 2009 actually, and it was the first book I read by Sarah. I expected the story to come flashing back in my mind as I started reading the book, but it didn’t. That was totally ok with me, however, as it felt like I was getting a chance to read the story like it was a new-to-me read, and I liked that. Some details I did remember, like Dexter, who is hard to forget, but a lot I had forgotten. (Easily done, considering how many books I read in a year!)
Remy was an interesting main character to follow, and I definitely found her to be really relatable. People in the story saw her as a b-tch in the beginning of the story, but she proves as the story goes along that she’s anything but that. I appreciate her need for independence and such. I get it, Remy. Dexter, Remy’s love interest in the story, was definitely the highlight of the book for me, as a lot of Sarah’s leading males are. He made me sigh more than a few times throughout the book; he was just so, so sweet. Why aren’t more guys like Dexter? There are many more interesting secondary characters in the story, including Remy’s family and friends. I love the friendship she had with them all, especially with her friends.
The storyline for the book was, like most of Sarah’s books, relatable and completely engrossing. There’s just something about Sarah’s books that are so comforting to me, I can start a story and become completely engrossed. That’s exactly what happened with This Lullaby. It was set in the summer as well, which I loved, since summer is quickly approaching. Altogether, the characters, setting and storyline made for a really great read.
Overall; I really, really enjoyed re-reading This Lullaby, especially as I read it so long ago, and it felt like reading the book again for the first time. I really enjoyed the book, and I’m not excited to move on to The Truth About Forever, which I actually read last year for the readalong that Penguin Teen hosted, and it ended up being one of my most favorite books by her. I’m super excited to dive into it again!
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