Sunday, May 21, 2017

Week in Review • Week 20

Hey guys!!

This week has been a really long week!
The end of school stuff for the kids is really time consuming,
and we're all ready to be done with it already.

I actually had a pretty productive week despite the madness, surprisingly.
Here's what I've been up to this week!

This week I read two review books. I have to say, I absolutely LOVED The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord, which was SO good, as I knew it would be. I also read It Started With Goodbye by Christina June, and I'm hoping to have my thoughts up on the blog for it this coming week. :)

I also finished two books for my Sarah Dessen Readathon this week as well, the first being Lock and Key, and the second Along for the Ride. My thoughts for Along for the Ride will be up on the blog tomorrow! I can't believe I'm almost finished reading ALL of her books!!

Believe it or not, I actually had time to watch a movie AND some tv this week! I watched The Usual Suspects with my book club girls, and it was a really interesting movie! I've also been watching Timeless while I'm on the treadmill during the day, and I'm thrilled to be catching up on it, finally.
 You guys!! By this time next week, we will officially be on SUMMER BREAK!!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about this, even though the kids already
have a summer packed with activities. I'm hoping we can enjoy some of it though.

My May TBR is still kicking my butt, but I'm trying to keep up with it.
I'm actually looking forward to being done with it, as I have a plan to spend the next
few months actually reading books and series that I'm behind on.
I've bought so many that I haven't even read yet!
That really bums me out.

That's all for me this week, so...


  1. Ahhh, I remember the days of summer break from when I was a teacher. This count down to Dessen is killing me. I cannot wait to read the new book. BTW - Along for the Ride still is one of my faves. =) I hope your summer break is fun and relaxing.
    Sam @ WLABB

  2. My TBR is destroying me as well, especially since finals season has squeezed almost all reading time out of my schedule. :( I think I own......12?......books I haven't read yet? *cringes*

    Ahhh, I absolutely love Along for the Ride! This week, I read Caraval by Stephanie Garber and started Goodbye Days by Jeff Zentner.

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality


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