Saturday, October 26, 2019

10 Characters I'd Dress Up as for Halloween

It's almost Halloween time, you guys! Do you dress up for Halloween??
I haven't done so since I was a kid, but I'd actually love to,
if I had somewhere to dress up to go!


Here are just a few fiction characters that I would totally dress up as!

Elizabeth Bennet
Lizzie Bennet is probably my most favorite fictional character,
and it would be SO much fun to dress up as her!
(Bonus points for Lizzie Bennet, zombie killer. lol!)

Characters from Harry Potter
I was a little late to the party when it came to Harry Potter,
but how cool would it be to dress up as a character from the series??
I would totally go as a Hufflepuff!

Cartoon Characters
I have a few favorite cartoon characters that I would love to dress up as,
including Waldo, Velma and Arthur!
These costumes would be super easy, and so much fun!


Favorite Superheros
These are not book characters, but are two of my most favorite superheros!
These would be SO cool to dress up as!!

Book Fairy
Totally not a fictional character at all,
but WHO wouldn't want to be a book fairy?!
I found this on Pinterest, and it's SO COOL!

•     •     •

Those are just a few fun things that I would love to dress up as for Halloween!
Maybe one Halloween I will actually get to do it!

Do you dress up for Halloween?? What are your favorite costumes??

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